Monday, March 30, 2009

What Exactly Do I Do??

I have had a few people ask what I do exactly, so here is an explanation.

When you go to the doctor for anything, even a cold, the doctor has to dictate what took place in that appointment (symptoms, diagnosis, medications prescribed, vital signs, etc., etc.) well I type those up to put in your records. I work for doctor's offices and specific doctors. I currently only type for urology, dental, physical therapy, orthopedics, speech therapy, and psych reports. There are some people who work for a hospital that type A TON of different specialties and for A TON of different doctors. I did this at one of my first jobs and all though it was really interesting and kept my skills going in all fields, the money was not near as good.

So basically, I sit at my computer (sometimes on my couch or wherever) with earphones in my ear and type!! With almost every doctor I have typed for they have a template and a specific pattern to follow...and I just fill in the blanks everytime. Hope that helps explain exactly what I do :)

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